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Eva Hauserová

Eva Hauserová is a Czech writer, publicist, translator and permaculturist. She is a graduated biologist (Charles' University), but she worked as an assistant editor in several publishing houses, and at present she supports herself as a free-lance writer and translator. Her journalist work is focused mostly on feminist and environmental issues, her fiction is partly of sci-fi genre. As an editor she works mostly on books on environmental issues, like sustainable life, self-reliance, organic gardening and permaculture. She also teaches permaculture courses and works as a permaculture designer.

Popular books on feminism (in Czech)

  • Broomsticks Can Also Be Used for Flying, or Impossible Women Can Achieve Impossible Things, introductory feminism, Nakladatelství Lidových novin 1995
  • But Aren’t You a Woman?, a book about sexist prejudices, Grada 1998
  • Handbook of Militant Feminism, under the cover-name Johana Sukova, Reneco 1999
  • Butterfly Nets of the Times, selected journalism, Votobia 2001

Fiction (in Czech)

  • The Madwoman, a feminist sci-fi novel, Ivo Železný 1992
  • A Feast of Mutagens, short story collection, Svoboda 1992
  • When the Fates Make a Mistake, short story collection, Maťa 2000
  • Madla’s Progress in Seven Steps, a satirical teenage romance, RoD 2000
  • Frozen Cat Blues, a novel, Šťastný 2005
  • Chez nous in Agony, sci-fi stories, Triton 2006
  • Fish Games, a novel, Šťastný 2010
  • Nights at Party Central, a novel, Argo 2014 

Selected articles in English

  • The Cult of Motherhood, Everywoman 74, July/Aug. 1991, 20-21
  • Mind the Gap! Women from Post-Communist Countries: Conservativism or Progressivism?, Women: a Cultural Review, 3(3), Winter 1992, 238-243
  • Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Otitis… and Acute Hysteria: an Essay about the Cult of Motherhood and about my Own Experience with it, Yazzyk 2, 1993, 33-36.  Reprinted in: S. Trnka and L. Busheikin (eds.), Bodies of Bread und Butter, Prague, Gender Studies Center, 1993, 41-44
  • Images from the Life of an Emancipated Woman, One Eye Open/Jedním okem 1, 1993, 31-38
  • The Velvet Revolution and Iron Necessity.  In: Carol Becker (ed.), The Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society and Social Responsibility, New York/London: Routledge, 1994, 77-94
  • The Good Girl, 1970 and a Bit, Yazzyk 4, 1995, 46-48. 
  • A New Discovery: Men are Burglars of Extraterrestrial Origin! (Women Writers and Science Fiction in the Czech Republic). In: Tanya Renne (ed.), Ana’s Land: Sisterhood in Eastern Europe, Boulder/Oxford, Westview Press, 1995, 94-98
  • Why and How do Czech Women Associate? (Altos, Sopranos, and a Few Discordant Voices), Canadian Woman Studies/cahiers de la femme, 16 (1), Winter 1995, 85-89

Stories in English

  • A Toothsome Smile, an Artificial Death, BBR 21, Dec. 1992, 21-23
  • One Day in the Life of Zoya Andreyevna, One Eye Open/ Jedním okem 2, Summer 1993, 37-45
  • The Song Which has no Heart, The Thirteenth Moon, 2(8), whole # 12, Aug. 1994, 8-13
  • Between Us Girls.  In: Alexandra Büchler (ed.), Allskin and Other Tales by Contemporary Czech Women, Seattle, Women in Translation, 1998, 107-116


Samples in English